Friday, March 23, 2007

Senior Night - Final Rotation (Floor Exercise)

Iowa State is definitely having fun right now.

Floor (Fourth Rotation) - 49.325 - An awesome finish to a season high team score

1. Melanie Tham - 9.125 - Her routine was looking great, but she fell to her butt while landing her final pass.
2. Nikki Dilbert - 9.825 - Very good routine. Maybe I'm losing it, but I think she used a few new elements tonight. Regardless if they are old or new, they were effective.
3. Anna Robey - 9.725 - Her first pass was excellent. I actually thought she was going to lose it on her final pass, but she nailed it beautifully. Great performance.
4. Jasmine Thompson - 9.900 - The floor judge really enjoyed this routine as evident by her constant smile. It certainly was one of her best this year and the crowd gave her a huge ovation.
5. Katie Sweetin - 9.925 - Awesome routine. Without a doubt, this is the best floor I've seen her perform this season.
6. Janet Anson - 9.950 - ISU's best gymnast ever finishes her home meet career with one of her best floor routine's ever. If you're a 15-year-old gymnast not named Shawn Johnson, this is the routine you should be looking up to. She received a loud standing ovation.

Denver finished with a 49.125 on bars and Iowa finished with a 48.625 on vault.

Final score: Iowa State - 196.750 - season high
Denver - 195.700
Iowa - 194.450

The night finished with a wonderful video tribute to the seniors, featuring photos of all four of them at different stages of their lives. Lots of photos of them when they were young gymnasts.

Thanks for joining me. I'll be blogging live from next weekend's Big 12 Championship, so join me then.

Thanks for reading,

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