Sunday, March 4, 2007

ISU-Iowa-Minnesota Final Rotation

Vault (Fourth Rotation) - 49.925 - Good vaults, but not good enough to overtake Minnesota's lead
1. Jasmine Thompson - 9.875 - Great start on vault for the Cyclones
2. Katie Sweetin - 9.775 - Excellent vault.
3. Nikki Dilbert- - Great rotation, sloppy landing
4. Katie Lasher - 9.800 - Great rotation, funny hop on landing.
5. Megan Barnes - 9.900 - Spectacular vault. This was awesome.
6. Janet Anson - 9.875 - Great rotation. She approached to hard, however, and took a momentum step upon landing.

Iowa earned a 48.950 on floor and Minnesota earned a 48.725 on bars to finish the meet. Minnesota takes the upset victory by just .25.

Final score: Iowa State - 195.325
Iowa - 194.275
Minnesota - 195.350

Thanks for following my coverage. Sorry I was as detailed as usually... I had to be more mobile than usual today. Check back tomorrow for a link to my article in Monday's Daily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job as always Cody - and yes the venue was challenging for spectators as well. Was wondering why you don't give a little mention to the exhibition routines? I realize they don't count for team scores but for those of us that cannot always be there in person, we like having as much info as possible as we cheer from our couches.