Sunday, March 4, 2007

Iowa State-Iowa-Minnesota First Rotation

To give you an idea of how glamorous gymnastics journalism is, I'm currently sitting in the bleachers, surrounded by a group of grils scouts and parents. Iowa's press row is a six feet long table that really only has enough space for each school's sports information directors. Plus, it's located in a corner of the arena where you can't even see bars or vault, so I wouldn't be able to give any coverage besides scores. The group around me is full of nice people though, so it's not too bad.

Bars (First Rotation) - 48.675
1. Megan Barnes - 9.650 - Awesome start. Totally stuck the landing. Could have extended better on her handstands, but she still should have had a higher score.
2. Jasmine Thompson - 9.300 - This was shaping up to be her best bars routine of the year, but she took a fall onto her back after landing her dismount. Really unfortunate.
3. Nikki Dilbert - 9.800 - Great routine, but to be honest, I missed some this because of how much is going on. What I saw was really good.
4. Ceilia Maccani - 9.750 - Good routine, but she's had better this year.
5. Katie Lasher - 9.700 - Great performance. She's been on a roll lately.
6. Janet Anson - 9.775 - Fantastic routine, but very slight step on landing. Shouldn't hurt her score too badly.

Melanie Tham took a hard fall during her exhibition routine. She appears to be OK, however, and finished her routine strong.

Iowa earned a 47.750 on vault due to a number of girls taking hard falls. Minnesota earned a 48.050 on beam.

Up next for the Cyclones is beam.

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