Saturday, March 31, 2007

Big 12 Championships - March 31st

Hi folks,

Here's Iowa State's lineup, as well as each team's rotation order:

Beam (First rotation) -
1. Nikki Dilbert -
2. Jasmine Thompson -
3. Jade Kvach -
4. Katie Sweetin -
5. Ashley Alden
6. Janet Anson -

Nebraska (Bars):
Oklahoma (Floor):
Missouri (Vault):

Floor (Second Rotation) -
1. Melanie Tham
2. Nikki Dilbert -
3. Anna Robey -
4. Jasmine Thompson -
5. Katie Sweetin -
6. Janet Anson -

Nebraska (Beam):
Oklahoma (Vault):
Missouri (Bars):

Vault (Third Rotation) -
1. Jasmine Thompson -
2. Katie Sweetin -
3. Nikki Dilbert-
4. Katie Lasher -
5. Megan Barnes -
6. Janet Anson -

Nebraska (Floor):
Oklahoma (Bars):
Missouri (Beam):

Bars (Fourth Rotation)
1. Ceilia Maccani
2. Melanie Tham
3. Jasmine Thompson
4. Nikki Dilbert
5. Katie Lasher
6. Janet Anson

Nebraska (Vault):
Oklahoma (Beam):
Missouri (Floor):

This is my first trip to the Hearnes Center and it's a very unique building. I really like the bowl shape of arena - should lead to great crowd acoustics. FSN's already started filming some intros to open the broadcast - it's odd to see national television being taped just five feet in front of me. I did see that Janet Anson filmed an interview prior to the meet. Hopefully I won't be shown on TV because I'm dealing with an awkward facial hair situation today - in my rush to leave this morning, I forget to quickly shave.

Everyone looked strong in warmups, though Iowa State did stuggle a bit on vault. The Cyclones finish on bars though, which is their strongest event based on RQS, so a very strong bars performance could potentially win it for Iowa State.

Should be an awesome meet. See you after the first rotation. I'll keep up with the other school's scores as best I can, but with all apparatus' being used at the same time, it's going to be fantastically hectic.

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