Saturday, March 31, 2007

Big 12's First Rotation - Beam

Beam (First rotation) - 48.400 - No other way to put - as a unit, Iowa State struggled here. This was similar to the beam's that haunted Iowa State during the middle of the season. Surprisingly, it was two of three seniors that struggled most. The Cyclones are currently in fourth.
1. Nikki Dilbert - 9.650 - Very good routine, but I don't know if it's her strongest this year. Still, very solid and only helps the Cyclones.
2. Jasmine Thompson - 9.725 - She almost fell on her first flip, but pulled off the most incredible save I've seen all year. I mean, it could possibly be a meet-saving save. Great routine.
3. Jade Kvach - 9.300 - She toppled off the beam mid-way through her routine. Unfortunate. Everything else was very technically sound, but the fall did too much damage to the score. Without the fall, it's a 9.8.
4. Katie Sweetin - 9.800 - Excellent routine. ISU really needed her to step up, and she certainly did.
5. Ashley Alden - 9.350 - Another meet-saving save here. If she would have fallen, it would have crushed Iowa State's chances of winning. Even having to save a fall, this was a decent routine, but the Cyclones needed more. Personally, I think her score was too low, but the judging is always tougher at the more important meets.
6. Janet Anson - 9.875 - Excellent routine and really helps ISU's overall score.

Nebraska (Bars): 49.300 - Emily Parsons looked incredible. Fantastic dismount, one I haven't seen anyone else use all year. The rest of the Huskers looked great as well.
Oklahoma (Floor): 49.000 - The Sooners looked very dominate on floor. Very, very few mistakes.
Missouri (Vault): 48.900 - The Tigers looked very strong on vault. Impressively strong, to be honest. They're certainly in this thing as of now. Missouri's Tiger mascot uniform is ugly and needs to be updated.

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