Friday, January 19, 2007

Second Rotation - Uneven Bars

Bars (Second Rotation)- 48.500 - Really tremendous routines completely undermined by the judges scoring. Very tough bars judges tonight.

1. Megan Barnes - 9.625 - Wonderful routine, capped off with a totally stuck landing. Judges gave it a lower score than it warranted.
2. Ashley Kent - 9.200 - Much like last week, she used a wonderfully unique routine, but again struggled on landing the dismount. She fought to keep her balance upon landing, but eventually fell backwards. It appears she tweaked her foor or ankle, and she was helped off the mat by coach Jay Ronayne.
3. Nikki Dilbert - 9.800 - ISU's best bars routine of the early season. Fantastic.
4. Katie Lasher - 9.750 - .Well, Lasher just toppoed Dilbert's routine. Sticking dismounts doesn't get any better than this.
5. Ceilia Maccani - 9.775 - Wow...this may have even beat Lasher's. ISU is doing phenomenal on bars tonight.
6. Janet Anson - 9.550 - Magnificent. She's introduced new elements into her bars routine this season and she nailed everything here....and the judges totally screwed her over. Ridiculously low score. Completely befuddling. Should have been at least a 9.850.

Nebraska tore it up on vault, earning a 49.050.

After two rotations, Nebraska has a slim lead, 97.725 - 97.450. Remember, only the top five of each rotation's six scores count to the team total for each event.

Next up for the Cyclones is the balance beam.

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