Saturday, January 13, 2007

Iowa State Third Rotation - Floor Exercise

Floor - (Third Rotation) - 48.775 (146.100 total)
1. Ashley Alden - 9.725 - Excellent routine.
2. Megan Barnes - 9.725 - Another excellent routine. Some of the young fans in the crowd help up their "10" signs.
3. Anna Robey - 9.675 - Great routine. She does a really nifty somersault variation.
4. Jasmine Thompson - 8.650 - Good routine. Her motions work really well with the music. She did, however, have a strange fall on her last pass that took her by total surprise. Certainly seemed like a fluke fall.
5. Katie Sweetin - 9.750 - Great routine.
6. Janet Anson - 9.900 - Fantastic routine. All landings stuck and she did a great job of conveying emotion on her face, which is very important. While performing, her arm didn't appear to be bothering her at all.

Minnesota earned a 48.825 on beam.

After three rotations, it's ISU - 146.100, Minn. - 145.475

Remeber, only the top five of the six scores in each rotation are counted on the final score.

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