Friday, January 19, 2007

Final Rotation - Floor Exercise

Floor (Fourth Rotation) - A number of strong, inspired routines by Iowa State, but not enough to comeback and win.
1. Ashley Alden - 9.725 - Great routine. Excellent start for Iowa State on floor.
2. Megan Barnes - 8.750 - The crowd loves her music, clapping along. She was too amped up for her first pass, however, and fell on her butt upon landing.
3. Anna Robey - 9.775 - This freshman performed masterfully under pressure. Excellent performance. The student section gave her a standing ovation.
4. Jasmine Thompson - 9.825 - Fantastic performance. Standing ovations all around Hilton. She's not letting Nebraska win without a fight.
5. Katie Sweetin - 9.775 - Man alive, she NAILED her first pass. Tremendous. Only a freshman, expect her to be an All-American on floor before she graduates. Hilton went crazy after this performance.
6. Janet Anson - 9.900 - Excellent routine. This was a terrific example of why she's a seven-time All-American.

Nebraska finished very strong on beam, posting a , just enough to ward off an Iowa State comeback on floor.

Final score: Nebraska - 195.725
Iowa State - 195.325

It's very possible both teams will move up in next week's national rankings.

Ashley Kent's injury doesn't appear to be serious and she's standing just fine now. Expect her to compete again at ISU's next meet on Feb. 2.

Tonight's attendance of 3,429 is a new record for ISU gymnastics.

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