Saturday, January 13, 2007

Iowa State First Rotation - Uneven Bars

Fun fact: All events here begin at the sound of the loon, which is the state bird of Minnesota. Loon's are an aquatic bird the size of a large duck or small goose.

There's a man sitting behind with a large gopher on his hat. I love it.

Cyclones bars results:
1. Katie Lasher - 9.650 - Great routine. Very strong start.
2. Ashley Kent - 9.600 - Nifty, unique routine, but rough landing on her twisting dismount and slight delays on a swing or two. Will be a truly dynamic routine once she works out all the kinks.
3. Megan Barnes - 9.625 - Good routine, but step on landing
4. Jasmine Thompson - 9.700 - Great routine, slight step back to gain balance on landing.
5. Ceilia Maccani - 9.675 - Tremendous until dismount, which had a step to gain balance. On her first or second rotation, she released and leapt split-legged from the bar about four feet in the air. Extremely impressive and drew and audible "WHOA" from the crowd.
6. Janet Anson - 9.775 - WOW! This was ridiculously great. You'll be hard-pressed to see a dismount stuck better.

Tough judging on bars tonight. Anson, Lasher and Thompson all had better routines than the score inidicates. It will be interesting to see how Minnesota's bars will be judged.

On vault, Minnesota had some steps on landings in the early stages, but ended very strong with great vaults by Kelly Ganchan, Alexis Russell and Carmelin Carabajal.

After one rotation, it's ISU - 48.425 Minnesota - 48.600

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