Friday, February 2, 2007

Second Rotation - Uneven Bars

Bars (Second Rotation) - 49.050 - Iowa State's best bars score of the year. Excellent routines.
1. Megan Barnes - 9.700 - Great dismount and a very good routine, but she might lose a point or two for some little errors in the middle.
2. Jasmine Thompson - 9.325 - Good routine, though a little rough in spots. Took a small step upon landing and it looked like she had some trouble with a handstand.
3. Katie Lasher - 9.850 - Great routine.
4. Nikki Dilbert - 9.850 - Another great routine. This is shaping up to be ISU's best bars score this season.
5. Ceilia Maccani - 9.850 - She still gets AMAZINGLY high in the air off bars. Wow....what a routine! Right now, she's ISU's most exciting bars performer.
6. Janet Anson - 9.800 - Fourth awesome routine in a row.

Missouri earned a 48.950 on vault.

After two rotations, Missouri leads, 97.725 - 97.675. Iowa State definitely made up a lot of ground on bars.

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