Friday, February 16, 2007

ISU-OU First Rotation

Vault (First Rotation) - 49.025 - Excellent routines all around
1. Jasmine Thompson - 9.825 - Very good vault. It look liked she almost overstep her approach, but she compensated for an mishap beautifully while in the air.
2. Katie Sweetin - 9.725 - Truly fantastic, much better than the score dictates. One of Iowa State's best vaults all year. I've never seen someone do two consecutive front flips faster in my life. I'm not just talking about this routine, about talking about Sweetin in general. To my slightly untrained eye, this looked like one of ISU's better vaults, but admittedly, I'm not very educated in the technicalities of gymnastics.
3. Nikki Dilbert - 9.800 - This was awesome. In the span of less of a second, she managed to fluently go from almost stumbling to completely sticking the landing. Very, very impressive.
4. Katie Lasher - 9.775 - Very good vault. Iowa State is on a roll.
5. Megan Barnes - 9.850 - Great vault, once again proving that Barnes is one of the best freshman vaulters in the nation.
6. Janet Anson - 9.775 - Another great vault. In my opinion, this is the strongest Iowa State has looked on vault this year.

Oklahoma scored a 48.850 on uneven bars to begin the meet strong. Surprisingly, Oklahoma's star gymnast Brittany Koncak-Schumann scored a 9.650 on bars, the lowest on the team, dropping her score from the total.

The Sooners have very pretty uniforms, probably the coolest I've seen this season. I'm not sure how to describe other than a diagonal swirl of maroon, black and white across a maroon front.

Did you know that someone made a hip hop remix of "Crash Into Me" by the Dave Matthews Band? I didn't either, but I just heard it and it's actually an interesting mix.

See you after the second,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cody, thought I'd let you know what vault Katie Sweetin performs. She does a handspring front pike. It is not a vault with two sommersaults, rather one, in a front pike position. Start value 9.9. She does perform it very well.