Monday, February 26, 2007

Rail Jam 2007

Completely unrelated to gymnastics, Rail Jam 2007 was held on Saturday on a Welch Ave. in Ames. Primarily known as a weekend hotspot for students due to the many bars that line the street, Welch became a snowboarder's paradise on this night. Temporary fencing lined the street as snowboarders and skiers shredded down the road, jumping man-made ramps and performing tricks to varying levels of success while a crowd numbering a few hundred cheered them on.

On a night where most Ames residents saw their weekend plans change due to the massive snowstorm/icestorm, Rail Jam was the perfect distraction.

Below is a link to a photo slideshow of the event featuring the work of many of the Daily's talented photographers. Be aware that the slideshow is accompanied to music, so don't be alarmed if your speakers starting making a ruckus. Take a gander and enjoy.

Rail Jam 2007

Thanks for reading,
Cody Saveraid.

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