Friday, February 2, 2007

Fourth Rotation - Floor Exercise

Floor (Fourth Rotation) - 48.925
1. Megan Barnes - 9.775 - Fantastic routine which would have scored higher if she wasn't the lead-off. The crowd loves her music, which is very catchy, and they gave her a very loud pop as she finished after clapping along for the whole performance.
2. Melanie Tham - 9.800 - Very cool routine with a number of unique, rhythmic arm movements. Excellent debut on floor for the Ontario native.
3. Anna Robey - 9.650 - Very good routine. A few very slight missteps, but impressive overall.
4. Jasmine Thompson - 9.800 - Great routine. She was definitely feeling it tonight.
5. Katie Sweetin - 9.050 - Her first pass featured one of the most perfect flips I've ever seen. On her second pass, however, she fell on her butt after flipping, probably due to entering the rotation too hard and fast.
6. Janet Anson - 9.900 - The best gymnast in Iowa State history put the final nail in the coffin. She's probably the best athlete I've ever seen when it comes to smiling great under pressure - I'll check the stats on that later. Her routine was no doubt helped by teammate Jennifer Salfen re-braiding Anson's hair five minutes before she took her turn on floor

Missouri struggled under pressure on beam, earning a 48.350 to finish a much closer than expected meet.

Final score: Iowa State - 195.725
Missouri - 195.025

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